Become a Mentor

A highlight for many WCE students is delivering mentored field trips. Mentorship builds leadership, organizational and teaching skills, and passes on wetland knowledge.

The Program

Older students learn about wetlands the school year during classroom sessions and field trips. Then, they plan and organize a wetland field trip where they pass down their knowledge and skills to younger students!

Wetland field trips

Field trips are tailored to each WCE & can include activities such as:

  • Critter Dipping: explore the diversity of life in a wetland (Click here to watch the video)
  • Wetland Games: play running games to teach ecology concepts (e.g. predator-prey dynamics, water cycle)
  • Nature Scavenger Walk: search your wetland to discover the plants and animals that call it home!

The Results

The mentorship program is a meaningful learning experience for all students.

Younger students take to learning from their role-models, while older students experience the rewards of teaching others.

Students who were once mentored by WCE students have gone on to become WCE mentors. This cycle of conservation knowledge helps nurture awareness and action in their community.