Case Study Competition FAQ

What is the Case Study Competition? 

The Case Study Competition is a three-week-long event where students will group up (groups of 2 or 3), choose a case study, complete background research, and then present their findings in a 5-7 minute oral presentation to a panel of judges. There will be two case studies and students will have the option to choose the study that interests them most. The case studies will be sent out after the registration deadline on February 14.

All competitors must attend a mandatory virtual workshop on February 24 at 12:30 CT (Evening student workshop: February 25th at 6:00pm CT) that will explain the case studies and what they can expect from the competition. Competition Day is March 20.

When is Competition Day? 

Competition Day is March 20. Competitors will be given a 10-minute time slot to orally present their recommendation to the judges (virtually over Teams). Presentations should be no longer than 7 minutes, and judges will have up to 3 minutes afterwards to ask questions. Judging will start at 7pm AT and will finish depending on the number of competitors. 

Competitors will be given their time slot one week before competition day. 

What are the case study options?



What are the judges looking for?

Evaluation Rubric

Am I eligible to compete? 

If you are a secondary student part of the WCE program, you’re eligible to compete. If your teacher has signed up your class for the competition, only one team per WCE can present on Competition Day. If this is an extra-curricular activity, more than one team per WCE can present. Students must compete in pairs or groups of three.

How do I register my team or my class to compete? 

Registration is now complete for the 2025 Case Study Competition. If you missed the registration deadline or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

What is the prize? 

The winning team will receive $500 for their Wetland Centre of Excellence and their names on our Youth Wetland Expert Trophy.

Where should I do my research for the case study? 

When we send out an email with the case studies, there will be links to help you start your research. After that, it’s up to you! 

How much work will I be expected to put in? 

Including research time, presentation prep time and the 1-hour mandatory workshop, we expect that students will put in 15-18 hours of work. 

Is it mandatory to attend the workshop in February?  

On February 24th at 12:30 CST, we’re hosting a mandatory virtual workshop to go over the two case study options, talk about the competition format and answer any questions. If you or your students have registered for the competition, you or your students must attend the workshop.

For student teams participating independantly outside of class, an evening workshop will be held February 25th at 6PM CST

Who won the previous Case Study Competitions?

We've had four winners since we started the annual Case Study Competition. In 2021, Neha, Mabel and Chloe from Holy Trinity School won first place. In 2022, the winners were Zoë, Yuvika and Sydney from Wellington Heights Secondary School. Sotiris, Ophelia and David took home the prize for Fort Richmond Collegiate in 2023. Last year, Hamza, Zaid and Haider won first place for Fort Richmond Collegiate.

2021 2024 Case study winners