Trips to Algonquin Park and Long Point are additional highlights of the program at East Elgin. Students also maintain trails and do stream bank rehabilitation at Herb Kebbel wetland and along Catfish Creek.
East Elgin students use Herb Kebbel, a restored DUC wetland project, as their wetland classroom destination. Herb Kebbel is located in Carolinian Canada within Yarmouth Natural Heritage Area. Students get to learn from and explore a diversity of ecosystems - the 24-acre wetland is surrounded by 200 acres of Carolinian forest and adjacent to Catfish Creek.
MarshQuest is a massive undertaking where science, technology and the environment come together. The event provides more than 500 Grade 4 students with a fun and truly unique outdoor experience via a day-long field trip with experiential learning and games. – MarshQuest is conducted annually by the East Elgin WCE students.

"Teaching grade 4’s about the values of wetlands in MarshQuest made me feel like I was contributing to future generations."
Facts & Highlights
The tulip-tree is one of two wild magnolia species found in Carolinian Canada where East Elgin is located. Over 125 species in Carolinian Canada are considered vulnerable, species of special concern, threatened or endangered by either the federal or provincial government.
- Aylmer, Ontario - Established in 2006
- Built a viewing platform at Catfish Creek Conservation Authority
- Built dipping stations at Herb Kebbel wetland
- Annual waterfowl feeding and duck blind construction and maintenance
- Maintain wood duck nest boxes at Long Point
- Volunteer at the local Ducks Unlimited Canada banquets