Winner! - The Wetheads won DUC’s first-ever high school climate-action challenge for their proposal to build a small off-grid, solar-powered education building – a building that would inspire others to take action against climate change.
Tantramar Wetlands Centre is a young scientist’s dream come true. The 6,000 square foot indoor facility is adjacent to a reclaimed freshwater wetland, CWS field station, the vast and complex Tantramar Marshes ecosystem, and Tintamarre National Wildlife Area.
This 21-year, award winning WCE proudly call themselves Wetheads. The Wetheads make use of Tantramar Regional High School (TRHS)’ Tantramar Wetlands Centre. The Centre offers environmental programs to over 4,000 visitors annually.

DUC and the Canadian Wildlife Service worked with students and Sackville, NB community to restore the wetlands adjacent to the Tantramar wetlands. This model was the impetus for DUC's recognition of "Wetland Centres of Excellence" across Canada. Each year dozens of students volunteer their time to make this program a success.
Tantramar Wetland Centre Facts & Highlights
Tintamarre National Wildlife Area on the fringe of Tantramar Marsh, protects over 1,900 hectares of wildlife habitat. It provides critical nesting, breeding and migratory habitat for marsh birds and waterfowl.
- Established in 1998 following the restoration of the freshwater marsh by DUC, CWS and local landowners
- Built and replaced a dock and birding platform
- Established butterfly and wildlife gardens to support biodiversity
- Installed interpretive signs
- Created plant, bird, amphibian and minnow inventories and collections
- Waterfowl banding and brood surveys
- Swabbing waterfowl for avian bird flu
- Monitoring and conducting invasive species research
- Planting native species
- Water quality testing
- Ongoing site maintenance and improvements