Although our wetlands are likely the smallest of any WCE in Canada, they teem with life. It is our unique privilege to be able to introduce urban youth to the nature that exists at their doorstep and give them a taste of what exists beyond the concrete of the city.
The Toronto WCE includes Sir John A. MacDonald and Marc Garneau Collegiate Institutes. Each WCE uses a restored wetland as their research and field trip destinations. These wetlands are providing important ecosystem benefits and arebiodiversity hotspots.. Birds, deer and other wildlife have also moved into the area because of the wetlands: Sir John A MacDonald uses the restored wetland at East Don Parkland. Marc Garneau uses the Go Green Cricket and Sports Field Interpretive Marsh.
The desire to preserve nature can be born out of the smallest exposure to our natural world. Showing a younger student how to follow a deer track or how to identify tiny lifeforms in a wetland always has the power to amaze.
"Students learn some of the reasons why we need to preserve nature wherever we can, not just in far-flung locations but right here in our city. While the wetland provides habitat for many animals, it also plays an important, if small, role in local flood control and water quality management."
Facts & Highlights
No one would expect to see a white-tailed deer in Toronto. But you can – and your best chance is at East Don Parkland. This is the largest mammal in Toronto, but also the most elusive.
- Toronto, Ontario - Established in 2012
- Provide mentored field trips to Grade 4s from local schools
- WCE is part of the Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM): Environment program. SHSM is a ministry-approved program
- Plant inventories
- Water quality testing
- Invertebrate identification
- Participate in DUC’s WCE video conferences
City of Toronto - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority - Go Green Cricket and Sports Field